When the love of Christ dwells in the heart of a parish, there are no bounds to what God can accomplish. Here, at Christ the King Episcopal Church, we’ve long witnessed God’s loving handiwork – in our Sunday worship, in our close fellowship, in our Parish Day School ministry, and in all the many ways this parish serves as God’s loving hands.
May this campaign for Christ the King enable us to extend our caring reach even further, as we reveal to God our collective heart – a parish humbled and steeped in gratitude, a congregation rooted and grounded in love.
…that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted + grounded in love. Ephesians 3:17
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Ours is an only-by-the-grace-of-God history at Christ the King Episcopal Church. From our early gatherings at “St. Doublewide” to our beautiful “chapel in the woods,” we are mindful of the many blessings God has bestowed upon us. May God continue to bless this congregation as we evolve and grow in our ministry, while always remaining true to our roots – that sacred sanctuary in the woods, our beloved “Church in the Wildwood.”
The Rev’d Richard G. Proctor - OA, Rector
The Rev’d Deacon Ed Richards - Vocational Deacon
Dani Robertson - Director of Family Faith Formation
David Ott - Director of Music Ministries/Organist
Stephanie Smuck - Parish Administrator
Charles LaCross - Sexton
Michelle Touchstone - Bookkeeper
Bryan Whitehead - Rector’s Warden
Jerry Morton - People’s Warden
Tom Potts - Treasurer
Peter Horn Jr. - Building and Grounds
Bill Dowdle - School Construction Chair
Ben Ward - Outreach & Mission
Kate Owen - Family Faith Formation Liaison
Julie Cumby - Tree House Board Liaison
Crawford Sandefur - Honorary Chair
Rachel and Travis Meyer - Co-Chairs
Ali Weil - Communications
Tom Potts - Vestry and Legacy Society Liaison
Bryan Whitehead - Vestry Liaison
Jerry Morton - Vestry Liaison
Dani Robertson - Family Faith Formation Liaison
David Ott - Music Ministry Liaison
Dale Dalbey - Tree House Board Liaison
Jamie Lynn - Tree House Parent Liaison
Rachel Azzolini
Lee Owen
Sinclair, Townes & Company - Fundraising Counsel